Annual Pat Farry Trust Fun Run / Walk a feature of Network’s Rotorua conference 2013 [Media Release]
Get your running shoes ready! The Pat Farry Rural Health Education Trust Fun Run/Walk is back on the social calendar at the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network’s (NZRGPN) annual conference in Rotorua, 13-17 March, 2013.
Held for the first time at the 2012 NZRGPN conference in Queenstown, the organisers are again encouraging conference attendees to join together with the public to highlight the importance and value of the work of the rural GP and that of the Pat Farry Rural Health Education Trust.
“The Fun Run/Walk increases awareness of the Pat Farry Rural Health Education Trust’s work and brings health care professionals and their communities together for a good cause”, said John Farry, chairman of the Pat Farry Rural Health Education Trust.
Participation in the Pat Farry Trust Fun Run / Walk as an individual or in a team is being promoted to the NZRGPN conference delegates and exhibitors, as well as local Rotorua medical and health care practices, sporting groups, schools and businesses.
While entry is koha, participants can help the Trust raise funds for its work.
“We are asking participants to approach their own family and friends to sponsor their efforts so that they can then donate the proceeds to the Trust,” said Pat Farry Trust Fun Run / Walk organizer Sarah Swale.
“We’re encouraging competition between delegates and local health professionals. I’ve visited a number of local practices and had a very positive response while previous participants are keen to better last year’s efforts and bring friends along.”
For the event to succeed as a fundraiser, as well as delegate and community participation, the Trust is seeking sponsorshipof spot prizes and event giveaways by Rotorua businesses and the health care sector. Early local support has come from the Lone Star and QE Health.
“Southern Cross Primary Care has generously agreed to sponsor the event for the second year, including t-shirts and drink bottles,” said Rob Olsen, NZRGPN Communications Manager.
The 2012 event attracted about 70 entrants and organisers would love to see a far bigger turnout in 2013, he said.
The NZRGPN is also sponsoring a special exhibitor prize of a free stand at the 2014 conference for the fastest exhibitor team.
“There will also be Fun Run/Walk bags, an array of spot prizes drawn at the end of the event and special prizes for the first team and individual,” said Sarah Swale.
“Support of this event and the work of the Pat Farry Trust will ultimately contribute to the quality of rural health services in all regions of New Zealand,” said John Farry.
“Our latest scholarship recipients are inspiring young medical students from Christchurch and Matamata who are committed to a career in provincial and rural New Zealand. Your support will contribute to our work to find and mentor this next generation of passionate rural healthcare professionals.”
Important information
Entry: Teams or individuals by koha
Entry forms: Click here to download, or go to Lone Star Rotorua. Forms can be submitted via email. Alternatively mailed to:
Pat Farry Rural Health Education Trust
PO Box 1252
Queenstown 9348
New Zealand
Entry: Early Bird entry closes 10 February 2013. All Early Bird entrants are guaranteed a Fun Run / Walk t-shirt, drink bottle and bag. Late entries will be taken until 6pm, Friday 15 March.
Course: Start at Rose Gardens, run/walk to the lakefront, continue around the lakefront path, finish at Rose Gardens. Runners complete two circuits.
Distance: Approximately 2.5km walk or 5km run
Pre-race briefing: 6.30am at the Rose Gardens, Government Gardens, Rotorua
Start time: 7.00am
Prize giving: 8.00am
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2013 Pat Farry Trust Fun Run / Walk Sponsors and Supporters include;